
D0: A Brief History of Dogman’s Slog Shack for the Uninitiated

  Dogman's Slog Shack Lore (reader's digest): At some unknowable time and place, a being with a rare genetic mutation is born. A timeless 4D organism who exists in all time and no time at once, with a face resembling a chrome skull: the one and only Dogman. Much later, in the far far future, at the limit as t goes to infinity, a brutal reverse-gerontocratic democracy takes hold. This brutal and crazed democracy taxes citizens directly proportionally to their age. A rebel coalition of wronged geezers forms to combat the reverse-gerontocracy. Dogman, as a timeless being at once older and younger than time, takes the head of this resistance. John Lieberman, the most dangerous and spry of the reverse-gerontocracy's ruthless tax collectors, swears to be Dogman's mortal enemy. Lieberman's goal is to collect the ultimate tax from Dogman... Dogman's EXISTENCE. Dogman assembles a group of capable oldsters in order to defend the elderly from Lieberman and his contemporari...

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 they were very stupid! they were funny in my head a few years ago I will post real things